Graffiti art colors the bridges on the Dommel

On Sunday 27 September, aldermen Rob van Otterdijk and Peter Looijmans opened two graffiti artworks under the two bridges on the Kleine Dommel. The artworks were created by Decofiti in collaboration with Villagemarketing Geldrop-Mierlo Foundation. The artists of Decofiti were inspired by the theme Intertwining and Entertainment and by the stories of users of the area (local residents, passers-by). By means of contemporary art techniques, the artist has merged stories from the past into a beautiful design.

The artworks not only propagate the theme of Weaving and Entertaining, but the works are also intended to improve the sense of security under the bridges. For years, residents of our municipality have indicated that they experience an unsafe feeling when they pass under the bridges of the Kleine Dommel. In terms of nature, it is a beautiful area that invites you to walk and cycle, but the bridges always look messy and dodgy. The works of art make the area look better and ensure that young and old are more likely to meet there.

Weaves and Entertains

With this theme, the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo is highlighting, among other things, its rich textile history. After all, textiles are the common thread in our municipality. This is visible in many places. Just think of the many street signs that refer to the textile industry, the Cotton Path, the Weaving Museum and all the stories about, among other things, the many home weavers in Mierlo. Geldrop-Mierlo was known for its rich textile industry. This cultural heritage is brought back in all kinds of places. For example, there are 'needles' in the Langstraat in Geldrop to mark the road, beautifully designed sheep on the roundabout in the direction of Heeze, Woes on the Molenplein in Mierlo refers to the Cotton Path and there are eight interactive columns in and around the centre of Geldrop that form the textile route together.

Weaves and entertains, therefore, has everything to do with Geldrop-Mierlo's textile past, but it also says a lot about our current community. There is a lot of connection in this, which is reflected in the many events that take place every year.


Met dit thema brengt de gemeente Geldrop-Mierlo onder meer haar rijke textielverleden onder de aandacht. Textiel is immers de rode draad in onze gemeente. Dit is op allerlei plekken zichtbaar. Denk maar eens aan de vele straatnaambordjes die verwijzen naar de textielindustrie, het Katoenpad, het Weverijmuseum en alle verhalen over onder meer de vele thuiswevers in Mierlo. Geldrop-Mierlo stond bekend om haar rijke textielindustrie. Dit culturele erfgoed wordt op allerlei plaatsen teruggebracht. Zo staan er ‘naaldjes’ in de Langstraat in Geldrop om de weg te markeren, prachtig ontworpen schapen op de rotonde richting Heeze, verwijst Woes op het Molenplein in Mierlo naar het Katoenpad en staan er acht interactieve zuilen in en rond het centrum van Geldrop die samen de textielroute vormen.

Verweeft en Vermaakt heeft dus alles te maken met het textielverleden van Geldrop-Mierlo, maar zegt ook veel over onze huidige gemeenschap. Hierin zit veel verbondenheid en dat is terug te zien in de vele evenementen die ieder jaar plaats vinden.


The municipality takes part in the realisation of a new art and culture route to connect new art elements in the region. This project has been made possible by the subsidy from Brainport Eindhoven. Various surrounding municipalities participate in this route for which a subsidy has been received from Brainport Eindhoven. The implementation will be carried out in collaboration with the municipality Geldrop-Mierlo, Decofiti, Kunstkwartier, LEV groep and residents of our municipality.