British War Cemetery Commemorates 80 Years of Liberation
‘Freedom you celebrate together’ is the theme with which the Villagemarketing Foundation has started in recent months to put together a special programme in honour of our liberation, 80 years ago. As part of this programme, the municipality is organising a special celebration on the British Field of Honour in collaboration with Stichting De Drie Harten Geldrop and the Orange Committee Mierlo.
On Sunday 15 September, we will celebrate the liberation of Geldrop and Mierlo, on 19 and 22 September respectively. We also remember that we can only celebrate because others lost their lives for our freedom. The official part starts at 11.15 am and lasts until about 12.15 pm. Mayor and aldermen invite all interested parties to attend. Interested parties are welcome from 10:30 am.
As part of their liberation route through Southeast Netherlands, a column of the Liberation Task Force with authentic British military vehicles will make a stop at this commemoration. After the official part, there will be space to view the old vehicles.
For the programme, visit