1650 - Laekenhandel in Herberg de Swaen
The presence of heath and grass, and thus sheep, home weavers to produce wool. In the early 1600s, the home weavers in and around Geldrop-Mierlo made excellent "laekens". De Heuvel was the place for the laeken trade.
Laeken trader Adriaen Amant de Laure had more than 60 hand weavers working for him around 1650. Adriaen was a rich and important man. He owned Herberg de Swaen - one of the oldest inns in Geldrop and a central place for the laeken trade.
Adriaen Amant was also "President-Alderman", which means that he was a judge and city administrator. The advantage of being President Alderman is that you win every criminal trial. Here is an example from September 1, 1658: Adriaen sits at a large round table in the middle of the inn, drinking beer and talking about the low prices for wool and woven fabrics. Suddenly, the Leiden merchant Ennis van Hooghte enters. When he sees him, Adriaen jumps up and shouts: “You owe me money, you buy and never pay. But now it is enough, rascal that you are, now you will pay! ” Ennis shouts back: “You lying beast, you get nothing from me. I have already paid, I even overpayed for the junk you sell. ” Adriaen walks up to him and pushes Ennis, causing him to fall to the floor. Then according to witness Jan Dibbits: There have been continuing battles and all kinds of things are thrown up to chairs. Following this "scuffle" it comes to a lawsuit. Which of course is won by Adriaen Amant de Laure.
Heuvel 23, this old Heerenhuys has been located since 1910. A few centuries earlier, “Herberg De Swaen” stood on the same spot. Apart from a short interruption, this address has provided space for hospitality and conviviality for centuries. As of 01-01-2016, the name has changed from 't Groen Koffiehuis to Heerenhuys23.