The girls' school in Geldrop was taken over in 1926 by the sisters of the Liefdeegesticht. A year later, the school received a second floor. In 1856, the rectory on Kleine Heuvel founded the charity institution of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity from Schijndel. The asylum came to stand at the Bogardeind. Six sisters opened a nursery school (kindergarten) here. They also focused on the care of the elderly.
Sisters of Love
From then on, there was a nursery school downstairs and the sewing school (fashion school) for the girls was on the top floor. In 1927, the Sint Annagesticht became independent and in 1931 the St. Anna hospital was founded through the collaboration between Sister Juliana van der Heijden, the superior of the St. Annagesticht, and the Geldrop GP F. van Kimmenade.

'The Red Circle'
In 1926 F. van Kimmenade settled in Geldrop. Van Kimmenade had recently graduated as a doctor and was part of the group 'The Red Circle'. This group aimed to improve the health care and social conditions in which farmers and textile workers lived in at the time. In addition, Geldrop lacked preventive health care. The only form of care was provided by the sisters of Schijndel.

Poor houses
At the end of the 19th century, the textile industry and agriculture were increasingly influenced by economic developments in the world. The period of 1895-1914 was quite favourable for the companies of Geldrop, with the exception of 1907. When the crisis broke out in America in 1929, this also had consequences for Europe. Each country tried to protect their companies as much as possible, with the result that exports were made more difficult. In addition, the guilder did not devalue until 1936.

A weaver’s pay
In 1870, a weaver had to work 12-13 hours a day (6 days) at the factory. In 1890 the 6-day working week remained, but the working time was reduced to 10.5 hours per day. Food was allowed between 12.00 and 12.30 pm, provided the work was not influenced by it. The wages of a weaver ranged between NLG 6.50 - NLG 7.00 per week.

Firma van Agt
From 1876, the Van den Nieuwenhuyzen & Van Stratum firm was considered one of the 6th largest textile companies in Geldrop. In 1882, Wilhelmus van den Heuvel took over the factory, which started the company W. van den Heuvel & Co. In 1892, Wilhelmus teamed up with, among others, Petrus van Besouw and the name was changed to "Van Besouw & Cie". The house that is now known as Villa van Agt belonged to the textile manufacturer A. vd Heuvel, built at the end of the 19th century.

Sail cloth & Straw Bags
In 1918, the company Gebroeders Van Agt took over the white villa and the factory buildings. The company was hit by the crisis in 1923. The Geldrop company could be saved. In addition to linen fabrics, wool and cotton fabrics were also manufactured. Just before the war, the company flourished, because sailcloth and straw bags were made for the Dutch army on behalf of the Ministry of War.

On June 15, 1917, it was stated in an advertisement that "a site situated in the Laarstraat has been purchased by the united Bakkers”. Later, the construction of "De Electrische Broodfabriek Geldrop" took place there. Mr. Van der Sanden, who already owned a small weaving mill in Tongelre, moved to this building in 1945 and started a cotton-weaving mill.

Weaving the Past with the Present - Bogardeind
More than 60 years ago, in 1956 to be precise, the parade was ready for the celebration of 100 years of St. Anna.
Weaving the Past with the Present - Bogardeind
The Bogardeind was refurbished in 2017. There are also new needles, a subtle reference to our textile past.
Weaving the Past with the Present - Bogardeind
The Van Besouw & Cie company stood here around 1900. In 1897, this company employed 70 people at its peak, but this number fell to 15 when it was taken over in 1920 by the Eindhoven steam linen weaving company Fa. Gebr. Van Agt which existed until 1985.
Weaving the Past with the Present - Bogardeind
The De Weverij housing project was completed in early 2018.